-The .ogg files have been converted from the source .aif files using Audacity; this removed the distortion when the music files loop back to the beginning. However, there is still a gap in the music. This will hopefully be resolved much later in development.
-The cursor has been altered. Before, all four corners were white. Now, depending on whose turn it is, the upper-right and lower-left corners change colors to match the player's colors.
-The sidebars have been removed. Now, the water fills the rest of the screen out, making the island look more like an island. The generals' avatars have been move to the bottom corners of the screen.
-Moving over each of the generals' avatars makes them "give commands" (i.e. their mouths open to denote that you are over them!). If you click on them, a pop-up menu will open. If you click on your general, your funds and the day counter will appear, as well as two buttons: "End Turn" and "Surrender." (In later builds, if you click on your opponent's avatar, information on them will appear; I probably won't incorporate that until I make the funding and day functional.)
-The buttons are functional! However, if you choose "Surrender," the game will quit. This will be changed as I flesh the menu out, but that is much farther down the line.
-The pop-up menus can be closed in two ways: clicking again on the general or right-clicking outside of the menu
The updated menu screen. I decided to remove the crosshairs.

The new map screen. Notice how Gen. Worm's mouth is open. If I click....

...I get this pop-up menu:

Gen. AverageSoftware's pop-up menu:

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