This version adds a couple critical features to the game engine: money and unit deployment and movement.
First, the money. The game now operates off of an economy. Right now, both armies begin with $15,000. At the beginning of each turn, for the HQ, barracks/seaports/airports, and for each captured city, the army will earn $1000 each. However, since Red Army goes first, the Blue Army gets the first "tax collection" to make up for the advantage given to the Red Army. However, I might eliminate this. We'll see.
This money also allows or disallows you to build certain units. For instance, you cannot buy a Main Battle Tank company the first round as the Red Army; it costs $16,000 and all you have is $15,000. Thus, the game will not build that unit for you, and in fact, it tells you that.
Second, unit deployment and movement. In the last build, I was able to deploy units to the map. I also created a class, and using that, if your mouse is over the unit, it moves to show that you're over it. Using a VERY, VERY simplistic algorithm, if you click on a unit, it can show you where it can go.
However, I must stress that this algorithm is only for beta testing purposes only. It is accurate enough, in that it displays the proper "radius" of motion per unit, but it does not take mountains and forests into effect. I have done testing to incorporate that, but with limited success.
After the unit is moved, it cannot be moved until the next turn.
In this shot, the mouse is over the Main Battle Tanks. Since I do not have enough funds (as you can see under Gen. Worm's avatar), I cannot buy the $16,000 unit.

In this shot, the Red Army has deployed a Light Tank and deployed it on the road. the Blue Army is getting ready to move a Heavy Artillery battery, anywhere with the zone with the blue hashes.

Roadmap to Version 0.2.0
I'm actually fairly close to releasing a new beta. Version 0.1.5 should be fairly easy to code, however, I'm going to take a serious look at the movement code to correct its flaws. Stayed probably see something this weekend!
0.1.5 - Capture cities; prohibit wheeled vehicles from entering mountains
0.1.6 (and 0.1.7, if needed) - Stabilize movement
0.1.8 - Quality control and cosmetic upgrades: animate units on build screen, etc.
0.1.9 - Cross-system testing
0.2.0 - Ready for the Combat/Support phase!
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